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Just wanted to give a quick shout out to those who have been working at the fields over the last couple days hosing and cleaning the facilities that got flooded. There has been a small group of folk working and hosing as the water receded cleaning the dugouts and storage sheds etc. Many thanks to you!!!As a general update we have come through this one without major damage to infrastructure etc. Apart from the need to clean paths, dugout, and storage sheds there doesn’t seem to be major damage to fences nets etc and water did not get into the canteen. Water went into our new hub building but this was hosed out and work is continuing to get this completed. Thanks again to all of those who reached out with messages and calls of support. It means a lot to us and we hope to see you at the fields soon. Thoughts are with our nearby associations that were also effected by the event. See MoreSee Less
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Thanks to all of our wider baseball community who have reached out with support as "Alfie" steps up to the plate….it an anxious wait to see how hard he hits.Thanks to those who helped us prepare and pack up over the last couple of days at Albert park, as always I cannot express how thankful we are to our volunteers. We are aware that this time we are not the only community under threat. We have strong ties with our cross border baseball communities in Brisbane and Gold Coast (and of course our neighbouring NSW associations).To all in these areas being/likely to be effected our thoughts are with you as we face this together. Be as prepared as you can be and most importantly stay safe!!! We will see you all soon. See MoreSee Less
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Yes, we are back for 2025. TimberJacks returns after a successful 2024 with so many teams. Save the date and look out for more info coming in the next few weeks.#TimberJacks2025#northcoastbaseball #lismorensw @countrynswbaseball @baseballnsw @baseballqueensland See MoreSee Less
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Major League 2021 Round Recaps